How To Order

Containers: California, Orlando, Georgia, New Jersey, and Texas

How to order:
DM me on Facebook FUSSA FAM only this information, and nothing more in your message:

  1. Your exact Facebook name or Instagram name
  2. Container assignment you (CA#, ORL#, GA#, NJ#, or TX#)
  3. Link to the part you want
  4. The maximum bid you want or the Buy It Now price

For example:

  • Fussa Fam
  • ORL 12
  • Max bid $175,000 USD

I will copy and paste your message, add it to my WhatsApp group chat, I’ll screen shot your order to show you I ordered it, then I’ll ask for a DEPOSIT based on what I think it will cost. SOMETIMES my predictions are off, so I may have to refund you a little change or ask for a little more once I get the invoice from the container boyZ at the end of the month.

Once your part shows up, I will post a post and tag you in the Facebook group to show your items have landed. Once the sale is over the container boyZ will play Tetris and try to organize the parts in chronological order and Size as best as possible. I’ll keep everyone in the loop if your items don’t fit and we will simply need to shift it to the next container going out for your location.

Here is an example of the breakdown for EACH part OR EACH LINK you send, it will be calculated like this:
($xx.xx) Your winning bid
($20.00) container BoyZ ordering fee per link
($xx.xx) shipping from seller/company to the container yard
($xx.xx) current cost of shipping from Japan to America
3% is what Shopify charges for every transaction

Google is never correct or in line with what our banks provide as an exchange rate. This rate will change daily, so I’ll do a blanket rate for each month for all orders just incase the rate falls in the middle of the month.

AS OF JAN 1 2025:
California Stateside crew for downloading: Jose Cervantes
Texas Stateside crew for downloading: Greg O'Brien
Orlando Stateside crew for downloading: Andrew Rundell
New Jersey Stateside crew for downloading: Franklin Perez/Nicholas Cruz
Georgia Stateside crew for downloading: Luis Cruz/Angel Cruz

We are currently on track to ship (1) container to each of these locations every 30-45 days. It takes about 20 days to receive a container from Japan on the west coast, and about 40 days to the east coast. I gave the container boyZ the green light to schedule and reserve space on every vessel every month for 5 containers. If your parts do not make it on time, we will move it to the next container that’s open once it lands!